Friday, September 02, 2005


I just spoke to the housing officer for our area - And one thing she said beggars belief.

She's talked to the landlord for upstairs... And according to him there's no problem, and he's never had a problem with any of his residents.

Huh? Sorry?
Listen, you wanker, if you think that folk flinging shite, puking and smashing bottles out the window isn't a problem... Or that drunken wee bitches banging on your door to spit abuse at you because the cops went to the wrong address - Even though a lot of the time it IS her playing loud music and singing football songs... Or that simply STOMPING AROUND THE FLAT 24/7 and slamming every goddamn door every time you use it - punctuated with the odd full-on screaming match/fistfight... isn't a problem...

Then YOU need your head examined.

As it stands, the housing officer was as incredulous as I was.
Th elandlord has 28 days to make an official response, and if the noise DOESN'T stop then we go right back to ASBO country.
I'm now back to logging each and every incident with the police ( Requesting that they not bother actually turning up for the less serious ones... ) so if this prick tries to play dumb, he's got another think coming.

And before anyone says "Why don't you just go and ASK them to be quiet?"
A. I shouldn't have to... Especially since the cops have already TOLD them to on a few occasions.
B: I ain't going to the door of someone who I've seen literally carry a binbag FULL of Buckfast bottles out to the bin.
Wearing a burberry hat.

That, combined with the sounds of fighting and screaming, lead me to suspect that those people just might be neds.
If they're not neds, they're doing a damn fine impression of 'em :)


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