Thursday, April 06, 2006

So... The Newbie!

Currently, I'm applying Savlon to my eardrums, as Lee started screeching about an hour ago, and has barely stopped.
Kat's all out of Katjuice, so she's had to get her mum to take her to the bloody Asda at Hamilton ( Going by the amount of time she's been gone ) to get some emergency formula!

I've just managed to get Lee to nod off, with a little bit of carseatrockerry, and Tori Amos...
*Makes note*

Might as well post up the
Birth Story, then :)

Kat was due to go be induced on Tuesday ( April 4th ) as Lee was getting so big she was REALLY feeling pain a lot of the time. She was on crutches and had a support belt for SPD, but even they weren't doing much good.

T'was Sunday the 2nd, and I headed out to Section8 Allanton to build some fortifications.
We'd arranged to have a few folk over that night to watch Wrestlemania.

By the hospital's dates, Kat was due on the 7th.
By the dates Kat worked out herself, she was a week over.

Morgan was born exactly a week late.

So, I get a text around lunchtime telling me that Kat's plug has gone ( This does NOT mean that she accidentally ran her bath away while she was in it. The real meaning is considerably more gross... But if you can read this, you have access to Google. So Google it. NOT the image search, if you're eating. )
She told me not to panic, though, as it can be hours or even days after the plug goes before the waters break and full labour ensues.

I head home around 5pm, and Irv texts me to let me know he'll be up around 7.
He actually arrived a bit early, got a lift from his Mum ( Who misunderstood the plug thing when I mentioned it to her. Heehee :) )

Hung out for a half hour or so, with Kat bouncing on her gym ball.
She eventually told us that no, she was NOT gonna last til after Mania and we should get ready to hed to the hospital.
( Of course, everyone was still welcome to watch Mania at our place, but Irv chose to head off, and Semp and Snap watched it at their own places or neighbours' ).

Off to the Princess Royal it was, then...


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