Tuesday, December 14, 2004

It doesn't matter weather or not you like puns... I do!

I hate sleeping.

Well, that's almost a complete and utter lie - I LOVE sleeping. What I hate is trying to GET to sleep.
These days, my main problem is that no matter how much or how little I sleep, I still don't seem to get much rest from it. On the very worst nights, I'll keep waking up at the slightest thing - usually because I'm too hot.
If I have to be up for something the next day - then I'm really screwed.

Last night was pretty bad - Started out shattered, and got steadilly worse.
Was watching Underworld, and couldn't keep my eyes open. After about half an hour, I had a drink of Peach Water ( 12X2l in Poundland! ) and managed to watch the rest of the movie... then couldn't GET to sleep, so watched a bunch of Friends episodes.

By the looks of things, I finally got to sleep around 6... was in and out for a bit then hit deep sleep around 8.
Kat appears to have realised this and left me alone once she got up to give Small her breakfast.

But now we run into the next problem - the weather.
Why in the hell am I so deeply affected by weather? Even when the curtains are closed and the room unaffected, I still seem to KNOW when it's a shitty day and fall into this weird sort of depression. Grey, overcast, oppressive, depressive.
The sort of day that I'm actually kinda looking forward too once Morgan's old enough appreciate the fact that we have 500 DVDs and a reasonably large TV... But for now, I bloody hate days like this.

Maybe putting up the Xmas tree will help.

I hate Xmas - and I love it at the same time.

We'll get to THAT at a later dat.


At 11:39 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

A later dat? is that a typo, or will the entry be on a digital audio tape?

At 12:44 AM, Blogger -RSG said...

Actually, "dat" is code for something else.
In fact, this entire post is in code - I just happen to be SO DAMN GOOD at cryptography that I managed to make it look like I was talking about weather and stuff, when REALLY I was talking about cpojoh zpvs tjtufs...

At 7:03 PM, Blogger -RSG said...

"Small" = Morgan.


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