Wednesday, July 04, 2007


So ( one of ) the arsehole(s) from the other day emailed head office to complain!
The one who's opening line was "!If ah wantit sumbdy else's dodgy goods, Ah'dda..." aimed at the tiny blonde girl instead of either of the dudes at the till.

Apparently, he was never rude, nor aggressive. He made sure to state that right at the start of
his email.
He also "done everything it says in the manual", and the item still wouldn't work. I assume he can read English better than he can write it...

And apparently I was "Very aggressive", and what I said "came across like a threat".

Not sure how, given that only told him repeatedly to calm down and stop abusing my colleagues if he wanted any sort of assistance from any of us.

The duty manager also got it - He "Snatched the credit card very aggressively" after I'd "Aggressively asked if he had the card the dish was bought with".
Which is a lie anyway, as I never agreed to a refund, and passed that section to D.

I suspect this creature might just have learned the meaning of the word "aggressive" - Although if he hasn't, and he comes into the store again... He will.
Not that I plan to sink to his level and get in his face.
He'll get one word, and one word only.

Oh, and Head Office
haven't told us what they're doing yet - They did ask D what his response was to be.

I swear, if they fucking well apologise on my behalf, I'll be demanding an apology from THEM!
I owe that arsehole nothing, and all the less after his pack of lies.

I. Fucking. Hate. Liars.
Specially when they lie about me.


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