Lost a huge post - AGAIN!
When will I learn to do it in Notepad then C&P?
Anyhoo, salient points:
Main points:
Not been up to much of late, but I'll go and fill in each day - So go back through the archives if you're interested / bored ( Delete as applicable ).
Today I are bin mostly:
Watching Postman Pat at 5am at Morgan's insistence.
Grabbing 2 hours' extra kip once Kat got up as I think she noticed said Patwatcherry.
Dreaming about soot-coated lightbulbs and accidentally shredding Morgan's Jess toy in an office shredder.
Trying and failing to get Morgan to eat chicken soup with bread for lunch, and kid's-meal chicken stew with mashed potatoes for dinner.
Eating kid's-meal chicken stew for lunch.
Watching Balamory, and finding it entertaining that Greg Hemphill was in it as a gameshow host.
Thinking "It must be weird shagging a kiddies' TV presenter" after Julie-next-door pointed out that he's married to Miss Hoolie.
Thinking "Mind you, some of the presenters these days... Phwoar, eh? Eh? *Nudge nudge, wink wink* Know what I mean? Eh? A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat! Eh? eh? Nudge nudge, wink wink!"
Thinking "OK, that must have really confused Morgan. She's giving me a really funny look. I won't do that again. Maybe she doesn't know what a bat is?"
Thinking "Actually, Sophie Aldred was quite fit, back in the day..."
Thinking "So was Phillipa Forrester, come to think of it."
Thinking "AND the twins from Fun House. Mmm... Twins!"
Cleaning the kitchen, and finding that Cillit Bang's not really compatible with our walls.
Being annoyed as hell at a situation on Alternativenation involving a goodly number of my friends.
It's a stupid situation, and hopefully it's all come to ahead now, and will all be ancient history before too long.
Hope it gets resolved to a decent level of civility before my birthday shenanigans :|
Watching "Jerry Springer - The Musical" with Semp.
Always enjoyable when Big Sexy gordon comes over to watch some silliness on TV.
He maintains that I download too much TV.
I believe him to be mistaken.
Being sent into a spitting seething rage when Blogger lost a huge post.
Typing this all out again, while waiting for Kat to reappear, after going round to Julie's for a wee while after work.
*C&P to Notepad, and... Publish!*
*Have it fail, and eventually get the damn thing to work a day and a half later*
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