Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fuck you. All of you.

I've been banned from Alternativenation for seven days, because in a thread started by some prick copy and pasting Islamic propaganda spam I called him out, along with a few others - And when he got nasty to them... Telling them they should die for not believing in Allah, and having a go at the Danish... Someone asked what the Danish had done to him.
I responded with a copy of one of the Danish newspaper cartoons.

A short debate later, it was decided that I was out of order, therefore should be banned.
Fuck that, for a start.

Then, at ten to fucking midnight, I get 6 texts making Allah jokes...

I texted Marc back, and explained to him WHY I was so unamused by this.
6 day old babies do not appreciate being woken - And parents REALLY do not appreciate being woken along with them when it's already taken hours to get them to sleep, and none of us have had more than an hour or two in the past week!

So, you guys named above...

Fuck you.
Especially the coward who PHONED me to yell "Requiem" at me.



At 11:19 AM, Blogger Mo said...

I know you and Kat are seriously pissed off about this (I would be, too), but posting their phone numbers isn't going to do anybody any favours, really—it'll likely just fan the flames even more :\

At 6:33 PM, Blogger -RSG said...

I went to edit the numbers out first thing this morning, but fucking Blogger wouldn't let me in!
I think somehow it KNEW.

Had to reset my pasword when I got home from Section8....


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