"Everything hurts again... Well, those are harsh words, my friend."
Last night - Cathouse.
Me, Kat and Max went for a night out and it was surprisingly good!
I wasn't really drinming, as usualy, but it was quiet enough that I got some decent dancing in... And BOY am I feeling old!
Time was, I could start in the Rat Trap at 10:30 on a Thursday night, dance til 3 with VERY few breaks, and repeat til Monday morning.
True, the main reason I don't do so in the Catty is the fact that it's usually mobbed with pish-requesting idiots on Saturdays and that's the main night we get to go - but still, when I DO dance, I feel it the next day.
Semp was sadly absent, so the banter was lacking "The Je Ne Sais Quoi", or something - I don't know what, really.
Huge buckets of sarcasm, probably...;)
T'was Mandy's birthday, and she was absolutely falling-down-pished. Hilarity!
Also for filing under "Teh Funney" would be Ruth Gypsie getting her belt grabbed by ( I forget his name. ) - and when she tried to get away from him, said belt snapped.
Or so we thought - what actually happened wasn't a break in the belt, but two breaks... leaving him standing with a 6" section of leather belt in his hand.
Max met Edgecrusher, and Shug and a few others... And to my delight, there was a huge amount of airsoft chat from Shawsy, Everett, Bagpuss, Shug, and a good few others.
Worryingly, the Catty staff and stewards wanna come to Firefight for their staff night out.
Dibs be on the same side as the stewards!
That was the belt-dude's name.
"I wasn't really drinming, as usualy"
You may as well have been, with typos like that.
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