Saturday, December 18, 2004

"Everything hurts again... Well, those are harsh words, my friend."

Last night - Cathouse.
Me, Kat and Max went for a night out and it was surprisingly good!

I wasn't really drinming, as usualy, but it was quiet enough that I got some decent dancing in... And BOY am I feeling old!
Time was, I could start in the Rat Trap at 10:30 on a Thursday night, dance til 3 with VERY few breaks, and repeat til Monday morning.
True, the main reason I don't do so in the Catty is the fact that it's usually mobbed with pish-requesting idiots on Saturdays and that's the main night we get to go - but still, when I DO dance, I feel it the next day.

Semp was sadly absent, so the banter was lacking "The Je Ne Sais Quoi", or something - I don't know what, really.
Huge buckets of sarcasm, probably...;)

T'was Mandy's birthday, and she was absolutely falling-down-pished. Hilarity!
Also for filing under "Teh Funney" would be Ruth Gypsie getting her belt grabbed by ( I forget his name. ) - and when she tried to get away from him, said belt snapped.
Or so we thought - what actually happened wasn't a break in the belt, but two breaks... leaving him standing with a 6" section of leather belt in his hand.

Max met Edgecrusher, and Shug and a few others... And to my delight, there was a huge amount of airsoft chat from Shawsy, Everett, Bagpuss, Shug, and a good few others.

Worryingly, the Catty staff and stewards wanna come to Firefight for their staff night out.
Dibs be on the same side as the stewards!


At 2:34 PM, Blogger -RSG said...

That was the belt-dude's name.

At 7:50 PM, Blogger Gordon said...

"I wasn't really drinming, as usualy"

You may as well have been, with typos like that.


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