Friday, January 21, 2005


Friday Night... Airsoft.

In a disused warehouse, converted from an old cinema, in Govanhill... to be precise.
Pissing distance from my old flat with Kat, to be even more precise!

I was somewhat wary of the evening, since I hadn't actually SEEN the place before. I'd been in contact with "William The Butcher" from the local Paintball team, who had been leasing the place for Paintball until they judged it too small for their markers.
"Turns oot", it was just the right size for Airsoft guns. So woo... and indeed, yay!

I'd said to the players to be there for 7, and Iain picked me up to head in. We got slightly confused as to where the actual DOOR was when we got there... Compounded by the fact that there's no direct access to the street the place is on from the main road. Some map-reading shenanigans later and we're in.
"Too small" for Paintball maybe, but with one tyre-barrier-filled main upper room about the size of the Catty's top floor, a few side rooms, 4 seperate stairwells, a few more lower-floor rooms and two main downstairs rooms with a good few Matrix-ey support pillars... I was in Airsoft heaven!
I don't know if we'll be able to get the place again - Even if the landlord [ 4 : Weird Al Yankovic - Green Eggs And Ham ] agrees to a reasonable lease, the fact that the fluorescent tubes are shootable might add enough to the amount it'd take to make it safe enough [ 5 : Ultraspank - Sponge ] to prohibit us from taking it on.
If we can hammer something out, though, we will.

The safezone was nice - A small canteen with some fixed tables and power points for battery chargers.

Memorable Moments :

  • In a game where one team have to defend the middle of the upper floor from another team attacking up the stairs, with the lights off, some bastard shot out the fluorescent tube that was directly above Boabzilla and myself. To say that we shit our pants would be something of an understatement, as 6 feet of glass came crashing to the floor inches from where we were crouched. It being pitch dark and all, save for the sweeping torch-beams of the other players, we didn't know what the hell had just happened! I first thought that someone's blank-firing grenade had gone off in our midst. As it happens, that was being saved for a few minutes later. Swines.
  • A section of damp plasterboard from the ceiling, roughly 4 metres long by 1.5 metres wide [ 6 : Limp Bizkit - Faith ] , swung down hinged at one end and lightly brushed the head of the girl stood below it, before the "hinge" gave and the whole lot WHUMPed down beside her. Again... Clean undies time! Rather amusing, but I'd rather it hadn't happened to be honest. Ceilings are useful. [ 7 : Run DMC and Jason Nevins - It's Tricky ] No harm done, anyway. Basically, the building's structurally sound but some of the cosmetic details are beginning to fall apart. Safe enough for Airsofting ( Once the snag / trip hazards are dealt with, and the glass is swept up ) but the "Can we use it as a nightclub?" idea is a non-starter.
  • In a reversal of the dark game, I made a run across a large section of open floor to hide behind a tyre pile and engage the enemy therefrom. I had a G3 as my weapon - Not the handiest gun in the world. Gaze in awe at Scapey's 8m baseball slide across damp carpet - UN-NOTICED BY THE ENEMY! I think I got about 9 kills after that. Go me.
  • Last moment came seconds from the end of the final game of the evening - In a free-for-all game [ Spoken word, so I'm not counting it : Bill Hicks - The Garden ( Rant In E Minor ) ] with each team starting out halfway down opposing stairwells, one team ALL ran UP the stairs... And the other all ran DOWN! Had I not pointed out to Boab what had happened, we'd have been running in circles all night. [ 8 : Beck - One Foot In The Grave ] So after a few little engagements downstairs in the darker of the large rooms, we decided that only one of the three of us that were down there could easily defend the single connecting door to that stairwell. Bob and I went back up to the main hall... Then decided to go for one last push to surprise the buggers. I opened the door, and [ 9 : Ed Rush & Optical - Pacman (Ram Trilogy Remix) ] narrowly avoided the burst of fire that came up at me. Our man had been eliminated, and they were about to swarm up the stairs! Monkey earned himself great kudos by running over, and with seconds on the clock throwing a grenade into the door and pulling it shut. *BOOM!* Woo!
Yay for simulated violence.
More shortly, along with the final entry in the Playlist Game!

Fuck's sake, I was ready for rage there! Blogger went down for about 10 minutes just as I hit "Publish". I was scared to hit "Back" just in case it hadn't stored what I typed properly...


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