Friday, December 31, 2004

What the hell sort of a time is 2:10am to get better, eh?

This is the question I find myself asking right now.
Morgan, with her usual impeccable timing, seems to have chosen the aforementioned silly time to "get all better".

Her eyes have cleared up a lot... her cough is lots better... and while she may not be 100%, she's still at the stage of "Fuck this sleep malarkey... I wanna get up! I wanna trundle all over the flat and PLAY WITH STUFF!"

Initially, I wasn't overly bothered - Kat had gone to bed and I'd been playing Half Life 2. After a few "Pause game, go replace dummy" incidents, Small made it clear that she would prefer some non-cot-based activities.
So I got her up and let her watch the special features on Red Dwarf 5 with me.

This worked for about 45 minutes. Then she started heading for the door, and not taking "Ah ah AH!" for an answer ( Warning tone, not "Count from Sesame St. tone". ).

Currently, she's back behind ( wooden ) bars and is undergoing something of a Clockwork Orange scenario with Tweenies videos instead of the footage Alex watched.

Well, she WOULD be, but I've lost my gaffa tape...


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