"And I'll have no cheek from you!"
No cheek from me?
You GOT no cheek from me.
You turned up at my fucking front door, abused my fiancée - She is ILL. We ALL are. We FORGOT that you pick Kat up on occasion... And Kat APOLOGISED TO YOU FOR IT.
"HE could have phoned me..."
HE wasn't aware there was a problem.
"He knew you were off work."
Yes, HE fucking well did. But HE didn't know that you were going to get Kat, as you usually phone to confirm a pickup.
"Don't answer me back"
Sorry... When you are in MY fucking home, abusing MY fiancée - I'll speak to you how I cunting well please.
And believe you me - That was me being polite. You've never HEARD me being impolite to you.
You are a fucking liar. You live in your own little fantasy fucking world, and your family know it.
Speaking of family - If any of you lot are reading this... You better have a fucking word with that woman, as I will NOT put up with her shite for much longer.
She keeps pushing, and pushing - She WILL push too far, and she'll be told everything she needs to be told, in no fucking uncertain terms.
Get it fucking sorted, or I will.
You've told me before that "She's our sister... We're used to her. Kat's used to her. You need to get used to her."
She needs to fucking well change.
I will not suffer her shite any longer.
It was actually a very GOOD day ( Aside from me, Kat and Julie next door all having upset stomachs, and only 2 bathrooms between us! ).
Very productive on the PC-building side, Morgan was ( Relatively ) well-behaved, and I was in a good mood when Kat's mum came up and started her shit.
It's a nice idea. I already DO attempt to avoid contact with her as much as possible, and be civil to her when contact is unavoidable.
But when she walks into MY house, and starts abusing Kat in my presence - When she wasn't even invited past the front door - Then SHE'S forcing it.
Also, I was completely polite to her.
I even go out of MY way to TRY to keep the peace.
Kat phones me one evening, asks if I'd mind going down there the next morning ( Afternoon is not an option. I'd have to get up earlier than normal ) to hoover her car.
I do this - The car turns out to be fucking filthy... Filled with mould. ( See pics on my Altnation galery if you're curious and haven't eaten. )
Yet a few days later, Kat and I are accused of being "Users, not givers" - Because Kat forgets that she'd said she MIGHT meet her Mum to go and look at a new car with her.
( Her Mum "forgets" Kat's mobile number when it suits her to have "been unable to get in touch". )
She also jumps on a chance for a fight when Kat comments on a friend of hers who still lives at home at the age of 28.
"Just because you don't like your Mother enough to live in the same house as her."
She then went on to claim that the first SHE knew we were leaving was when we came downstairs and announced ( As I think I mentioned before here. )
Kat's reply that "You threw US out. You came in and threw a note on the bed saying "Pack your bags and get out of my house" got a response of
"THAT never happened."
So she's either a fucking liar, or she's convinced herself it didn;t happen.
Either way...
I don't hate her.
I absolutely abhor the way she treats Kat.
And "Kat should know how to deal with it after 26 years" is NOT an excuse.
Scale it up a little... That's like saying that the residents of a fascist country should quit their whining because they should be used to it by now.
She's a piece of shit. She's a liar, and she's a thief.
She twists people's words and actions to try to get everything her own way and to turn everyone against everyone else in her favour.
She puts on a nice face sometimes, and you think that maybe... just maybe, this is it. Perhaps she's finally become a decent human being - The lies will stop. The drinking will stop. The whining guilt-trip phonecalls will stop.
It never does.
I look forward to the day when it IS all over and done with - But I think I know when that day will be, sadly.
Much as I fucking hate wishing ANYONE dead, I wish she would just do us all a favour and go.
Her life benefits nobody. She is nothing but a fucking parasite - A whinging, stinking filthy parasite who makes everyone else's life hard.
It sends me into a seething fucking rage knowing that my grandfather is in hospital right now with bowel cancer, and may not last much longer - My Grandfather who never harmed a soul in his life... Who is one of the nicest, kindest men ever to walk this earth. He's fair, unassuming, keeps himself to himself and is overall good.
He's on his way out, yet this piece of shit is walking around bemoaning every aspect of HER life "I'm so ill... My life's horrible."
Fuck you. Fuck you and die. You deserve nothing. If everyone's judged according to their actions in life, then you're going to fucking burn.
I hope you do.
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