Birthday Weekend.
So... It's been a week of sore stomachs, and PC-building.
Prior to that, though:
Last Thursday, I headed into town with Morgan to meet Snap at his work.
Turned out that Mum finished half an hour earlier than I thought though so rather than giving us a lift up the road, she took Morgan back to her place while I went to Plagiarist, then I went to hers by bus for a lift home after.
Snap had told me that there was a big load of 2nd hand trade paperbacks in - He FAILED, however, to mention that they had a 50% sale on! So I missed most of them.
Still got a load of JLA and Elseworlds stuff, which is nice :)
And a copy of Splinter Of The Mind's Eye - the first ever sequel to Star Wars ( Before Empire was written. ).
He also mentioned that there was a small chance he could get me into a press preview screening of Episode III.
The next day or so was spent mainly staring at the phone, willing it to ring.
It did.
So I got to see the movie a good few days before most others - Anbd on Screen 3 at the UGC, too :D
In an odd coincidence, we ended up sitting next to Chris - The runner from Commando VIP!
I'd never met the dude before in my life, happened to work with him up in the arse end of nowhere in the Highlands for a fortnight - Then days later bump into him at a press screening that I've blagged into. DOODOOdoodooDOODOOdoodoodOODOOdoodoo...
It rocks, by the way. If you've not seen it yet - GO SEE IT!
Went home, ate some food, and prepped for Saturday.
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