Sun, sand and 'soft. This time with actual sun!
Saturday morning.
Time for some airsoft!
Well, once we compensate for the fact that Stuart's GPS is a bit special, and sends us waaay out the wrong way before doubling back. Wasted a good 20 minutes, there :(
Everyone else got lost too though, so it's all good :)
That was one of the best days I have ever had airsofting. It REALLY proved how good the Drymen site is if the weather's good.
The last few times we've played there, it's been pissing down with rain - And it's been "Pretty damn good."
This time, the sun was beating down and it was INCREDIBLE!
Lots of new folk, and I think that each and every one of them had such a good time that they'll be back regularly.
The excellent work done by Robert and co on the bunkers was proved worthwhile too - Although when you've got 7 folk all hiding in one small bunker/trench, those thunderflashes become worth their weight in gold. Oh, the comedy...
( All ) "Fuck."
Some fun scrapyard play, and many high points.
Me shooting Orev through a small hole in a pile of concrete, and his response of "HIT! Where the hell ARE you?!"
Right before some sneaky sod creeps right up on me, and nails me GOOD.
I decided to climb up and check out the big hopper-thing. Expecting it to have no "floor" as such, rather a grid or something, I was pleasantly surprised to find a load of earth and grass up there.
I spent the remainder of that game picking off Reds who thought themselves well hidden behind the sand dunes.
Seen Navy SEALs? Call me "God".
In a "Bomb the bunker" game, the last ten minutes swung more than middle-aged saddos at a car-key party.
Me and Sneaker managed to get round behind the Reds, onto the hill behind their defenses. Along with Stuart, we did a good job of keeping each other alive, and picking the Reds off.
Then me and Stu both got slotted, and Orev mediced almost all the reds, one by one.
Then Mark and Dave came up from the front, and took them down again. Just as I called 5 minutes ( Meaning that anyone shot was now DEAD ), Dave went to slamdunk the bomb - and managed it, excepting the fact that the Reds had been medicced again and he got shot just as he did so.
Sneaker then tagged me, Mark took some more Reds down, and I managed to dive all the way down the hill to win the game.
Proud moment, but I've got the bruises to show for it!
My right arm is an insane colour at the moment.
The ladies kicked much ass too, but bowed out early to go and start the food.
I'm not commenting on that at all. I'm sure there's a joke in it somewhere, but it's a dangerous one and that's a risk I'm too scared to take, even in the name of comedy.
( Entertainingly, Jen and Kat misunderstood Stu's advice to "Put tinfoil over the BBQ and it'll cook faster". He meant to put foil OVER the food... Oops! :) )
Burrelly was along, and "tested" some guns on his arm.
Including a rather overpowered target pistol.
He now has a hole in his arm.
Another amusing moment occurred when I got a bit switched-off, and walked round a corner - Right into his patrol!
I don't think either of us had been expecting the other to have moved so fast, if in that direction at all!
So a good wee skirmish across the bottom end of the site, followed by some nice moving-up action from me, Stuart, Sneaks and Esi.
Stuart got yet another win under his belt by opting for the "LEG IT!" option.
There was more, but I gotta go eat.
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