So, what have I been up to?
Saw Snakes On A Plane last Friday.
T'was funny. A guy came into the cinema with rubber snakes. That was amusing.
Saw Kevin Smith at the Edinburgh Festival on Saturday.
Was funnier. I <3 his banter.
Sadly, I wanted to go to a wee pizza place Andy showed us a few years back... But we'd met Mandy and the View Askew board folk, and they were for a-wandering... And Kat wanted to talk to Mandy, so Andy ended up leaving, pissed off with the lack of decision making as regards getting something to eat.
Home, phone pizza.
Been a fast week - But we've not done much.
Kat joined the gym, and has been going daily.
It'll be a cold day in hell before you get me in a bloody gym, I'll tell you that much!
Seems to be doing her the world of good, mentally and physically.
I sat all Thursday night, convinced it was Wednesday and planning what to do with my Thursday ( In the middle of repairing all the Airsoft masks and the like, so more of that nonsense, likely ).
7:55am Friday, Kat pokes me.
"Shouldn't you be taking Morgan to nursery?"
"It's Thursday."
And, of course, the 8:30 bus didn't bloody show, and the 4 bus drivers I eventually had to deal with were all pricks.
Had an interview at Maplin last Friday, BTW... Seemed to go pretty well. Again, week's gone by so fast I plumb done and forgot to mention.
Today, Beth and Ernie came round to discuss Airsofty things.
Socially nice as it was, I was very pleased with how the game chat went. I can see us making great progress with the site over the next wee while.
Oh, and Satan's picking icicles off his ass... And Kat looks good in a swimsuit.
I only did her regime, stepped up a few notches. Was fun, though. Also, I've never been in a steam room or a sauna.
Also fun. Specially with Kat in the aforementioned wee black swimsuit.
I dislike stretches though.
Make ya feel like a fanny.
Might join properly, and start going regularly - Depends on Kat's mum babysitting though, and on the Maplin job.
Would be nice to still have some semblance of free time...
hah! You caved!
I used to feel the fear about saunas and steam rooms fo fear of durty wee men goin "In Sweden Thae takie AW AFF HEN" and "ah've nae shorts on under towel"
cue rapid leaving and complaints at front desk. *shudder*
good luck with the Maplin interview.
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