What's the sentence for defenestration of a baby?
Seriously... Lee's screeching is driving me absolutely insane!
Whiny, nails-on-a-blackboard, makes-you-wanna-scream-SHUTTHEFUCKUP!, nothing-at-all-wrong-with-him, changed-fed-tried-everything GAH-ness!
Lee IS Kreepy Ket...

I've been trying to work on an old bike today - Cleaning it, possibly painting it if I can get transfers off, making sure it's safe and the like.
Gave up on that due to every 5 minutes hearing NNNNNGGGGGGGGG! screeeching from the house.
Have managed to get some pictures / clocks up...
But I'm really at snapping point. I'm sick of the sound of it. I do not want to hear it any more. Ever again.
Short of ramming a knitting needle into each ear, though, I don't see what I can really do about the situation.
I'd like to make it absolutely clear that I meant MY ears, with the knitting needles.
And we have double-glazing so defenestration's not an option either.
Also, see where I said "Tried everything"?
That includes bottle, burp, nappychange, cuddle, flyin', playin' widda ball, squeaky lion, bell rattle, moozikal giraffe, buzzin' bee, singin', bouncy plane, and tuckin' in for a nap.
Nothing. Worked.
I don't want this time back.
I can't wait for him to get a little bit older so he can play or read or otherwise follow some sort of logical cause and effect as regards his mood.
When he's quiet, he's great... But he's not quiet often, and I'm sick of his reasonless tantrums.
I look forward to nothing more than an end to this screaming phase, as I've had more than enough high pitched annoying noises assault my ears over the last three years to last me ten lifetimes.
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