Monday, March 07, 2005

They should call 'em "Not-work cables"...

So, a slightly quieter weekend than initially planned, but fun nonetheless!

Kat was off at a health spa weekend with Mandy - They won holiday vouchers at the Cathouse birthday party by doing battle whilst wearing inflatable sumo suits.
Mandy's Chebs Of Doom ensured a 2/1 win, but she shared the spoils of war with Kat and booked the pair of them ( Kat and Mandy, that is... ) into the Cameron House Hotel for a weekend's pampering.

I, in turn, invited a bunch of friends over to geek out all weekend with the assistance of a wee bit of LANnage.

Most of the buggers' PCs chose this week to enable their Vertical Mammary Mode, so it ended up being me, Edgecrusher, Orev and Thumper.

Thumper's PC decided to throw a strop too - But it's a Ferrari branded laptop, so that was only to be expected.
Pesky Italians.

Games-wise, we got a decent bunch of rounds in - Once we got the network running!
Didn't quite have enough cables, but Kenny downstairs stepped in to save the day.

AvP2 - Alien Evolution mode rocks, especially when you play as a Facehugger and hide inside the Powerloader. *Grin*

Postal 2 : Share The Pain - *Smack* Nothing hurts like a shovel to the face!

Black Hawk Down - "THAT BASTARD'S FLYING!"
Not if Scapey's Barrett has anything to say about it ;) Shot the fucker out of mid-air.
Go me!

So aye - LAN party = teh g00dz0r.

I inherited some yummy doughnuts, and some biscuits.

Bastards took the jelly beans though :(
Was hoping they'd be left too.



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