Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Oh, also...

Commando VIP is on Channel 5 at 8pm, Wednesdays.
And as of the 29th, it's on Saturday nights, in an extended 50min format.

Gonna miss the wee shite :(

So yesterday, I went into Morgan's room to find that Ebola had shat on her newly-changed bed.

OK, he's stressed because we have arsehole workies on scaffold outside our windows - Yelling shouting and swearing, and running VERY loud equipment as well as banging on the walls a lot.
No excuse, though.

So we had him killed, and have had his skin turned into a small black and white rug.
The meat, we're having in a pie tonight.
I'm having the skeleton bleached and wired together so we can have a little display in a glass case.

Or, he might be going to stay with my sister until we move house.

Which is it?

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Keys. Friday.

That's about all - Been trying to get stuff packed up, and repair as many of the currently down guns for the private hire game on Sunday.
Morgan's been snottery, Kat's been tired and ill, but both are better* now.
My throat suffered a tonsilitis relapse, and now just feels sandpaperry. Not pleased.

Commando VIP is on telly next Wednesday - 8pm on 5.

Oh, and I got him ^^^ . :)

*Well, "Better than they were", as Kat points out**.
