Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I hate debt collectors.
Just had to delete a post on Altnation, as I know fine well I'm liable to get a bunch of "Don't run up debts if you can't pay them" bollocks as a response to something I only posted to let off steam.

The fact is, I'm being pursued by a debt collection agency for a bill that's not even mine anymore!
It's an ex flatmate's - And the cunts claim that we're "both being pursued"... Yet every month, the debt is exactly as I left it.
So they're either not pursuing him at all, or he's refusing to pay it.

The debt is there due to a misunderstanding over council tax.
I've paid every penny they've asked for so far - About 90% of the total debt to date.
As soon as it's clear, then that's it.

It would be easy enough to simply tell them where the other debtor lives... But I'm not so shit as to do that, I couldn't live with myself.
Even though I'm still owed large amounts by him.

I keep thinking I can live with this situation, but whenever they phone me up to give me shit about it, the frustration rises again.
Time after time I'm told "I'll get you what I owe you soon", and it never comes.
How much trust can I muster? It's been years.

And I feel like I'M out of order if ever I mention it, because I feel like I'M the debt collector.

Actually, right now I just feel plain sick.
Sick of the situation, and sick in that I need to puke.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

This time, it's war!

"Alien" is to "Aliens" what Morgan is to...


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

And now...

... we've got some pissed-up filth screaming at the tops of their lungs, and smashing bottles off the railings on the pedestrian bridge outside.

Rehabilitation and appealing to their better natures my arse.
Put the bastards to sleep.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Further to that...

After a sign requesting that people clean up any spills ( Especially from their mouths ) seemed to have been torn down, I went to take some rubbish out - And replace the sign.
I noticed then that it had been set fire to... And on my way back in, spotted someone peering out of a stairwell window at me. They hid as soon as I glanced up.

Called cops back, requested a presence this time.
Wish we had a bloody spyhole in that door - Since not only did a bunch of cops show up, but an ambulance - and a paramedic team looked like they were carrying someone out.

Residents? Roaming junkies/jakies looking for somewhere to drink/shoot up?


Time to break out the remote sentry cannons...

I hate this place.

Not only did some prick spill vegetable soup all over the landing the other night, and leave it there, but some piece of fucking filth vomited all over the floor and wall outside our front door tonight.

I wish painful illness of the bottom upon whoever this was... Scum.



Not amused.

'least ah have chickin...

Saturday, September 03, 2005

DERKA DERKA! Scapey's TV-shoot diary... Pt.4

Another day, another absolutely bloody gorgeous dinner from on-set catering.
For some reason, the cast and crew weren't going anywhere near the cheese/grape board.

Ah well... All the more for me :D

So, to recap:
We've got a bunch of extras, playing "terrorists" against a bunch of celebs, who are being trained in various combat techniques by a bunch of stuntmen and ex-marines.

Extras ( Not all present at once ):
Al Nunn

And a few more folk Burrelly brought... And a few that the bloody production company hired in for our days off, even though we were available!
Bastards could've saved us a drive or two!

Nigel Benn
Steve Collins
Ryan Dunn
Jason Cowan ( From Big Brother )
Lee Latchford Evans ( From Steps )
Heather Peace ( From London's Burning / Ultimate Force )

The next exercise, then.
Building clearance / Hostage rescue.

A large 2-storey building was in use this time.
There were two main doors - Oddly, one door was for downstairs, one for upstairs.

The basic premise of the exercise was that the celebs were to abseil from the roof in two squads, the first group blowing the centre door and sweep/clearing the downstairs rooms ( Which were actualy empty ) and the second group hightailing it to the stairwell... Blowing that as soon as the first group came up at their backs, before both groups sweep/cleared the top floor - Which had a mix of terrorists and hostages.

Each door was pre-rigged with an air ram and flash charge.
Air rams are pretty much just big fuckoff hoppers that blast their contents out using compressed air. Each of these had a T-shaped piece of wood to move the actual door, and a filler of cork chips to give the impression of debris.

Did it go to plan?
Did it hell. But I won't spoil teh funney here. It's TOO funny.
Remind me after it's aired, if it's unclear, and I'll break down what actually happened.

Some high points of the exercise:

Snap playing a disguised terrorist... Being searched THREE TIMES and still managing to keep a Glock hidden in his arsecrack.
Apparently, they were too scared to search him as they thought he was a girl. ( Well, he WAS wearing a mask, he DOES have long hair, and he DOES have a CRACKING arse... )

Orev shitting himself as he thought he'd broken his hand!
By this point, he'd been marked out as a target by the celebs, because of his attack on Jason earlier.
Poor bugger...

My part in this was a terrorist who runs from one room to the next as soon as the celebs enter... One of Burrelly's mates' Dads was in the room with me, also playing a terrorist. He was told to go down once he was shot - Sound familiar?
He was worried that he'd be crap. Oddly, he had to fake having been shot too!

For this round, the flashbangs were no longer simulated.
But in another great piece of no-bloody-research, instead of using paintball thundies or blank firing training grenades, the celebs were still using soda bottles - There was a small charge placed on the floor of each room, operated remotely by a pyro guy.
I was initially told not to be scared of these, and to keep my distance and I'd be fine.
When we were shown the big scary pyro, I had to stifle a laugh. It was about Mk4 level if that.
So I asked the pyro dude if he minded me standing right over it, as my route to the door was easier.
I did so, it went off, I reeled for a bit ( More easy when your ears ARE ringing :) ), legged it through to the next room - Where I had me a hostage.
This dude... The crew had nicknamed him the Village Idiot. Ginger hair, buck teeth, total pothead ( We hope ) and definitely not the sharpest combat knife in the boot.

Well, the celebs had burst into the room - And not even noticed me vacating at speed!
So there they are, slowly looking round the room, talking about what to do next... Standing right in view through the doorway!
*Pok pok pok pok*
I shot 5 or 6 shots right past Jase's head before anyone realised that I was in there.
Got a few direct hits as they tried to get in, before finally getting shot myself.
The celebs were under instructions to simply ignore it if they got hit. ( More bad TV IMHO. If they'd been playing for real, it would be much more entertaining. Keep them drilling til they do it RIGHT! )

Mr Benn Esq. decided to check that I was indeed dead - And knelt on my chest so hard that the bite-valve from my water pack shot off across the room from the pressure of the water being squeezed by both our weights.
Then Dunn managed to kick my mask off as he ran by... Before returning, whimpering that his gun was broken.
An instructor told him to stop being so stupid, and to take an enemy weapon.
Bastard almost broke my finger with the angle he nicked mine from!

After that, it was pretty much just a case of watching the survivors as they were herded outside - The celebs were so damn NICE to all the "hostages".
Silly buggers - First rule in that situation is that ANYONE is a potential threat until they're cuffed and seperated from the rest of the group.

We watched Snap's bit of funney, and that was it for that segment.

Friday, September 02, 2005


I just spoke to the housing officer for our area - And one thing she said beggars belief.

She's talked to the landlord for upstairs... And according to him there's no problem, and he's never had a problem with any of his residents.

Huh? Sorry?
Listen, you wanker, if you think that folk flinging shite, puking and smashing bottles out the window isn't a problem... Or that drunken wee bitches banging on your door to spit abuse at you because the cops went to the wrong address - Even though a lot of the time it IS her playing loud music and singing football songs... Or that simply STOMPING AROUND THE FLAT 24/7 and slamming every goddamn door every time you use it - punctuated with the odd full-on screaming match/fistfight... isn't a problem...

Then YOU need your head examined.

As it stands, the housing officer was as incredulous as I was.
Th elandlord has 28 days to make an official response, and if the noise DOESN'T stop then we go right back to ASBO country.
I'm now back to logging each and every incident with the police ( Requesting that they not bother actually turning up for the less serious ones... ) so if this prick tries to play dumb, he's got another think coming.

And before anyone says "Why don't you just go and ASK them to be quiet?"
A. I shouldn't have to... Especially since the cops have already TOLD them to on a few occasions.
B: I ain't going to the door of someone who I've seen literally carry a binbag FULL of Buckfast bottles out to the bin.
Wearing a burberry hat.

That, combined with the sounds of fighting and screaming, lead me to suspect that those people just might be neds.
If they're not neds, they're doing a damn fine impression of 'em :)