Monday, March 27, 2006

*Poke* GET OUT!

Just back from the medical centre...
Kat's being induced next Tuesday at 8:30am.

So, grapple fans, WWE Wrestlemania is now definitely ON at our place, Sunday night, bring some Bru.

And then we might think about having a son...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Grr. House rage!

Absolutely pissed off, here.

Mum and David came over today, nominally to help put up the bridging units that go over our bed between the wardrobes.

Before that, though, I was pretty much forced to shift 2 metal drawer cabinets from the hall to the shed.
Now, true, they were grey and not-very-nice-looking... But I intended all along to take them out in summer and spray them matt black, and repaint the chrome handles.
They not only had paperwork in them, but some little model parts and happened to be exactly the right height for the mounts I have my Alien Resurrection vest and my Emperor's Guard helmet on to sit atop.

But no... She played the fucking "When you OWN this house, you can do what you like. Right now, you do as we say."

And let me make absolutely clear how heartfelt and strong this emotion is through use of fonts...


Problem with the loft? "We're just intermediaries between you and the mortgage, we're not your landlords. You can pay for it if you want it fixed."
Something we want to do that Mum doesn't? "We're your landlords and what we say goes."

Then she moved on to the slat-board I'd bought for the hall - My intention being to find a nice small piece of beech slatboard, to mount my sabers, and some of my smaller prop replicas onto.

"That's not going in the hall. Get rid of it. Put your lightsabers in your shed, or in the loft."

Once again, NO respect for other people's wishes or taste.

If it was a china statue of a brown fucking eskimo, or some blue and grey spanish bint with an umbrella she'd have no problem with it.

Then we get to the actual bridging unit.

I have told her time, time, and time again that the curtain rail in the bedroom means that the wardeobes would have to go hard left against the wall adjoining Morgan's room if we're gonna fit the bridge in.
What did she do?

She got David to drill the holes for the mounting points using the CURRENT position of the left wardrobe as a baseline... A good inch out from the wall, thereby totally buggering up the entire plan.
I now have to move my curtain rail UP by about a foot, and cut it short so it doesn;t extend over the top of the wardrobe.

My glass display cases, from next to the front door, have been moved to beside my desk and overall I'm fucked off at being dictated to in my own home.

I DO appreciate what they've done for us. We ARE lucky to HAVE this place.

But it's Kat and me that live here, NOT them.
It should be US that make the decisions about what goes where - Save for when we want to do something that will irrevocably alter the fabric of the house.

A few small screw holes in a plaster wall that I filled and painted ANYWAY do not come under that heading.


Kat's raging too.
I don't think she cares about my sabers, but Morgan was up all last night and Kat's been unable to grab a bloody nap today because what SHOULD have been a short easy job ended up taking from just after lunchtime til after 6:30 in the evening.

And, of course, when Morgan came back from nursery, she was in a foul mood and went into one of her screeching tantrums.

She's eating her tea now, and Kat's on the phone to her Mum.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I wish I had some hot chocolate and marshmallows...
*looks around*


Saturday, March 11, 2006


I hate when friends fuck friends over.
Glad I have an X-Box.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ever have one of those days?

Well, two days, given that yesterday sucked too...

Today we were due to head down for Kat's ante-natal appointment at Rutherglen Maternity Clinic.
That went OK... Woke up around 9am with Morgan clambering up onto the bed - But the poor wee bugger was so tired she passed out at our feet!
Hauled her up to pillow level, and nodded back off for a bit.

Got up, went down to Rutherglen.

Next, off to Tesco for some new duvets for our new bed. Our new 7' X 6' bed ( that took me and Zaz bloody AGES to get into the room. This fact bears repeating, as I'm well chuffed we managed it. )

Ended up doing a full shop.
Ooh! I just remembered - We have scones and clotted cream, or mayhap a Gooseberry Fool for dessert. Woo.

Then down to my aunt and uncle's opticians.
Sadly, they'd gone on a last-minute ski-ing holiday, and forgot to leave a price for my specs! ( Needless to say, I'm gonna be dropping off some chocolates as a wee thank you for the discount. )
'Mon the Nike Flexxon spectos. WELL comfy, and they look neat.
Getting them next Wednesday, and I've got some new daily contacts to test out.
I only WEAR them when airsofting or dancing, so they should last a while.

Wandered round the Shawlands shops for a bit waiting for Kat and Morgan to come back with KAt's mum... Then off to Homebase.
Snagged some reading lights, and on the way home got a call from Mum.

Seems David had opened Kat's mail again, and found a final demand from O2.
Phoned them once we got home, and found that when Kat called them to see if they'd gotten her "I want to cancel my monthly contract" letter... And told them in the same call that as the phone had been stolen, the point was moot... The ARSEHOLE at the call centre had neglected to tell her that even though she barred the phone as being stolen, unless she specifically told them to cancel her contract, she'd be paying a monthly tarriff.
Logical FUCK ALL!

So, a call to Disconnections is in order tomorrow, I think.

Anyway, I've skipped ahead... I mentioned that I rang O2 once we got home?

Well, THAT was an adventure!

We have nice thick UPVC doors. You know the kind.
They should NOT be able to be locked from the outside if there's a key on the inside.

You can see where this is going.

Turns out they CAN.

Neither of our neighbours that we know had any wire, ir thin enough screwdrivers.
Alan next door DID have a big fuckoff ladder, though.
And I HAD left the bedroom window open to air the room. ( The alarm was on, so worry not. )

Seems that it IS possible to move the handle on those windows from "Lean" mode to "Swing" mode, while the window is in "Lean" mode.

Thank christ!

So, Scapey ascends the ladder, scrapes the crtap outta his arm, legs it downstairs to turn the alarm off, and finally lets Kat and Morgan into the house.

Then Mark came round to help me set up my X-box as a media centre.

Joiner came round to quote us for flooring the loft ( Which, it seems, WON'T be able to be paid for by adding a little bit to the mortgage. I got the impression from Mum that it COULD be covered, since we want to do it PROPERLY. So I gotta raise just under £300 by Saturday. )

I incinerated the spuds, as I was in the loft, and Kat and Mark didn't smell 'em boiling dry.

Then I ate fish, spuds, and sprouts.

And now I'm blogging.

New duvet trials begin soon.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Why the FUCK...

... Does the phone/TV/internet always go down on a Friday or Saturday, leaving you without said service for the entire goddamn weekend?

No phone for us, then, til Monday...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Gah. Buggered phone.

Looks like I missed more texts than I thought - I just rebooted my phone and got about 12 from over the last few days.

Kat's alright, just tired and a bit ill feeling.

Gotta go - We made the mistake of letting Morgan have a chocolate muffin for dessert... STOP!

Hoover time.