Tuesday, February 28, 2006

FAO anyone who's been texting us over the last day or two:

Apologies for not getting back to you yet. We've been absolutely shattered, and grabbing sleep when we can... And in the process, forgetting to reply to a few texts.

Kat's in the maternity hospital just now, but it's because she had to go in at 9am this morning for observation, as she had to go to Hairmyres at 6am this morning due to feeling unbelievably sick and "stuff".

I'm waiting to hear back from her - It's a viral infection of some sort, not TOO serious, but enough to warrant them keeping an eye on her for a few hours.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Snagged an X-Box today.

Swapped it for an AK-Spetsnaz.


2 controllers
Battlefront II
Destroy All Humans
Rainbow Six 3
Ghost Recon : Summit Assault


Monday, February 20, 2006

Perpetual Biddymotion...

I know, I know...
I'll be back with a proper update when I have time!

For now - GAH!
Went to pick Morgan up today from nursery, and during the period between 17:20 and 17:52 that I waited for the 17:35 bus thta's due every 15 minutes
, no less than SIX of the buggers arrived travelling in the other direction.
The thing is, the two wee old biddies sat next to me completely ignored me when I told them the first time they stood up that the bus was the wrong one - So I got to sit and watch as every single 66 that came into the turning circle had them "leap" to their feet, shuffle forward to peer at the text on it's sign, before shuffling backwards to their seats when it turned out to be another wrong'n.
By the time they sat down the next bus was in sight.

Amusing, in a "For the love of god, I'm bored" sort of way...