Tuesday, July 24, 2007

No, really, I've fucking had enough.

This is getting beyond a joke, and I'm finding it harder and harder to stay calm every time it happens.

Kat rang her Mum today to see if she's OK to go back to the normal "Kat's Mum takes the kids on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11am, so Kat and Steve can, y'know, go to work and stuff." plan.

She's now saying that she doesn't want to be in the house with "Hhhiiiiiim".[/whinyfuckingvoice]

This being a follow-up to a few weeks ago when she turned up
half an hour before she was supposed to
and started giving it "Oh, I might go away and come back later for you" to Kat - Who she was supposed to be taking shopping for bridesmaids' dresses, dropping sproglets off at my Mum's for a while. ( She can't navigate to Newton Mearns, so Kat had to go with for that part of the journey. )

So she was 30 minutes early - Fraz and G were picking me up to be at The Dream event we were helping organise to be at the shop for 10am. At about 5 to, I commented to Kat that "I think Fraz and G have told me to be ready half an hour before they actually need me to be! Heh. Gits."

Well, the silly old cow must have misoverheard this, since a little later I was sitting minding my own business, when she stuck her head into the hall and spat "Oh, and BY. The. Way. I was told to be here at HALF PAST NINE. Right?".

This kinda confused me, I had no idea WTF she was on about.
I went into the lounge to ask.

"You know. I heard what you said to Kathryn about me being here early. Well I was told half past nine and that's that."

I told her, then. POLITELY, and actually backed off across the room so she can't come out with any more lies about me being intimidating...
"Well, two things.

One, I was there when Kat said ten o'clock. And two, I was talking about Fraz and G telling me to be ready early, I said nothing about you."

"That's your story."

"I'm sorry? Are you calling me a liar? I'd appreciate it if you believed what I said, since I AM telling the truth."

"Just shut up."

At that point, my voice raised. Slightly.
I still wasn't shouting.

I spoke slowly, and clearly... but loudly so she couldn;'t fucking pull the "I'm deeeeeeeeeeaff"[/fuckingwhinyvoice] card.

"I will not be disrespected and accused of being a liar in my own home."

"I'll get out of it, then."

And she fucked off.

She was meant to be taking her daughter shopping for fucking BRIDESMAIDS' DRESSES, and she fucked off in a huff.

Oh, and also...
Dave's no longer giving Kat away.
Her Mum is.

I am fucking seething at this.
Her Mum has caused us nothing but problems, and given us nothing but grief.
What little help she gives us in terms of babysitting while we're at work is still given grudgingly, and peppered with whinging and moaning.

But I'm the one in the wrong, and she's refusing to even help with the kids now.
So Kat has to take tomorrow off work.

Alllll of this is on top of us offering to help pay for the insurance for her new car.

And that's another fucking story.
She was given a quote for £1200 over 3 years.. TOTAL. That's ALL she pays for this car.
And she moaned she couldn't afford it.

I said that Kat and I would put something to it - After all, she does drive the kids around and all.

All I got was a dirty look, she being obviously pissed off that I hadn't offered to pay the lot.
Fuck that. Not happening. She has nothing she needs to pay for aside from food and electricity/TV/phone bills.

Then a few days later, she gets a "verbal offer" on the phone, that somehow results in the £1200 being waived?

She's not got anything in writing yet... Or at least, she's not shown us anything.

Someone, somewhere, is bullshitting about something in this matter.

I can fucking feel it.
I don't know what's going on, but something ain't right.

And I know fine well that if she does end up getting stuck with the bill in one go, it's us she'll whinge at to pay it.

Seriously, she's a liar, a manipulator, a whinging fucking child.

And if she keeps up her bullshit making our lives hard then I seriously, honestly and definitely do NOT want her at any wedding of mine.

If she's gonna fuck us around this much, with hte entire goddamn family's attitude being "Let her away with it. Can't do anything else." then it's her or me.

We keep letting her have her own way, then she keeps expecting it.
She needs to fucking learn to respect other people, to LISTEN to them, and that things will not always be the way she wants them.

Oh, yeah... Did I mention the butter?

She keeps gouging the butter.
So water condenses in the gouges, and it goes off.

I asked her politely not to do this.
I was ignored.

So I grabbed a marker pen, and wrote on the tub:
"Please do not gouge".

I was ignored.
So I grabbed a bit of paper, and wrote:
"No, really. Please do not gouge."

She rang Kat, and Kat's aunt, to moan.
"I couldn't believe the cheek of it!"

Kat pointed out that the gouging is irritating.
Kat's Aunt - A supposedly responsible adult?
"I hope you gave it a right big gouge, to teach him a lesson."

Uh huh. So that's how this family respects the property of other people, is it?

And she later said to Kat:
I mean, the sheer cheek! He's already written it on the tub itself!"


Honestly, if I didn't need her in my home if we want to work, I'd outright tell her where to fucking go.
This goes on, and on, and on... I'm near the end of my tether and it's just lucky I seem to keep finding more tether.
Something's got to give someday though. My hand still hurts because I slapped it off a wall today without even knowing I did it.
I can't6 take this.

And if she does thing one to ruin our fucking wedding day, then there will be a fucking scene and a half.
I will not take any of her shite on that one day of my life.


Right, fuck it.

Where's the off switch?
Someone fucking show me.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


So ( one of ) the arsehole(s) from the other day emailed head office to complain!
The one who's opening line was "!If ah wantit sumbdy else's dodgy goods, Ah'dda..." aimed at the tiny blonde girl instead of either of the dudes at the till.

Apparently, he was never rude, nor aggressive. He made sure to state that right at the start of
his email.
He also "done everything it says in the manual", and the item still wouldn't work. I assume he can read English better than he can write it...

And apparently I was "Very aggressive", and what I said "came across like a threat".

Not sure how, given that only told him repeatedly to calm down and stop abusing my colleagues if he wanted any sort of assistance from any of us.

The duty manager also got it - He "Snatched the credit card very aggressively" after I'd "Aggressively asked if he had the card the dish was bought with".
Which is a lie anyway, as I never agreed to a refund, and passed that section to D.

I suspect this creature might just have learned the meaning of the word "aggressive" - Although if he hasn't, and he comes into the store again... He will.
Not that I plan to sink to his level and get in his face.
He'll get one word, and one word only.

Oh, and Head Office
haven't told us what they're doing yet - They did ask D what his response was to be.

I swear, if they fucking well apologise on my behalf, I'll be demanding an apology from THEM!
I owe that arsehole nothing, and all the less after his pack of lies.

I. Fucking. Hate. Liars.
Specially when they lie about me.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?

par·a·noi·a [par-uh-noi-uh] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1.Psychiatry. a mental disorder characterized by systematized delusions and the projection of personal conflicts, which are ascribed to the supposed hostility of others, sometimes progressing to disturbances of consciousness and aggressive acts believed to be performed in self-defense or as a mission.
2.baseless or excessive suspicion of the motives of others.

ap·pre·hen·sion [ap-ri-hen-shuhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun
1.anticipation of adversity or misfortune; suspicion or fear of future trouble or evil.
2.the faculty or act of apprehending, esp. intuitive understanding; perception on a direct and immediate level.
3.acceptance of or receptivity to information without passing judgment on its validity, often without complete comprehension.
4.a view, opinion, or idea on any subject.
5.the act of arresting; seizure.

fore·bode [fawr-bohd, fohr-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation verb, -bod·ed, -bod·ing. –verb (used with object)
1.to foretell or predict; be an omen of; indicate beforehand; portend: clouds that forebode a storm.
2.to have a strong inner feeling or notion of (a future misfortune, evil, catastrophe, etc.); have a presentiment of.
–verb (used without object)
3.to prophesy.
4.to have a presentiment.

Baseless and in me.
It has to be, since if it's not then everything is wrong.
No way of finding out so I need to simply know without knowing.
Should be simple, right?