Saturday, April 29, 2006

Oohhhhhhh no... Oh, shit no...

*Muffled Sobs*

You OK?

*Sobbitty sob*

Watch your eyes...

*Sob sniff sob*

Oh bugger.
Not again!

*Sniff sniff sob*

*Sniff sniff*
Oh, thank god.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


S'been an interesting week.
Am bloody shattered, still - And Kat's exponentially tiredererer. :(

Mum's been over quite a few times, so we've been working on getting the downstairs bog finished off ( Painted, patched and the like. )
Got some new mirrors for it too, so it looks OK.

While it's good to have the assistance, it's driving me INSANE the way she turns up, and expects me to drop everything, and do what she wants NOW!

For example - She'll arrive here, and go straight into the kitchen.
Usually, the dishwasher is finished its cycle by the time she gets here ( I either put it on last thing at night, or if I'm taking Morgan to nursery, again first thing in the morning )
So she'll give it "Why am I putting all your dishes away and refilling your dishwasher for you when YOU should be doing it?"

Our Survey Says:
Because I'm bloody well trying to not only get the management at the Arches to get their collective fingers out and give The Pit the support it needs if it's not going to fall flat on its face ( This includes NOT double booking us with the theatre, and getting proper advertising done, as well as ensuring that our prices and opening times match the Cathouse... People WILL go for the easy option. ), but I'm also currently dealing with the fact that both lots of rifles I previously had access to for Section 8 days are now no longer available and I therefore need to acquire 20 guns by the end of the month.
On top of that, I have to renew the insurance, send off and reply to emails regarding the possibility of us acquiring the use of not one but two CQB sites ( One in Glasgow city centre! ), and an ISLAND!
So that's all good.

Then there's the physical work needing done on the Shotts site.
We've gotten a lot done in the last few months, but it's been backbreaking work.
Worth it in the end, as all the players are loving it - Preferring the new layout to when we had the use of the farm in some cases!

The most recent bug in the ointment there is the fact that we now have some local horse riders claiming right of way through the site.
"Legally, you can't stop us coming through here."

"Perhaps not, but if you want a BB in the eye, feel free to go through without goggles."

So I now need to make up some BIG signs so our asses are covered there.
Well, so MY ass is covered.

As you can imagine, when I'm trying to deal with that, and I've got Mum screeching "Get off that bloody computer!" in my ear, I'm beginning to get slightly pissed off.
As I pointed out to her - This is my JOB.
I don't send these mails, talk to these people, and even simply stay in touch with players through MSN and the S8 forum... I make no cash and she gets no rent.

She fails to see that an MSN conversation is pretty much the same as a phone call, and I can't just stand up and stop talking.

She also doesn't get that, although that's the case, it sometimes takes a few moments for someone to reply... therefore I'll fill that time by reading the Airsoft forums and keeping up to date with what's going on THERE.

Then there's Mr Dixon, our landowner.

He's happy to ACCEPT email, but won't reply to it except by a printed letter.


If all goes to plan, things will have settled down nicely by mid summer.
I've organised a replacement armoury, and once the new insurance is nailed, I should have access to a few more sites. Can't go into that in much more detail the now - Suffice to say there are some very exciting prospects on the horizon.

Just gotta stick it out and not kill Mum in the meantime.

As for Lee - He's doing OK. We THOUGHT he'd settled down a bit the other night, but he's back on form with the crying during the night shit again.
And he's got a swollen gland or something under one nipple. Doc reckons it's probably nothing to worry about, so we just have to keep an eye on it.
It's not causing him pain or anything, but it's one more thing on the list of things on Kat's and my minds.

Dave's coming over tomorrow, to take Kat to the pub.
hopefully that'll cheer her up a bit :)

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hey, mate... You've got crows!

Little feathery bastards have been going into our loft through a hole in the wood at the eaves, and nicking polystyrene beads from the old cavity insulation.
I never noticed said hole before, because said insulation was blocking it - One of the neighbours pointed it out from the outside, and thusly explained the odd noises we've been hearing of late.

Being up a 20 foot ladder, with a drill in one hand, a doddawid in the other, a bag of screws in your mouth
and a screwdriver bit behind one ear is NOT fun.
Specially not when the wind kicks up and a bloody HAILSTORM erupts just as you reach halfway...



Sunday, April 09, 2006


Trey Parker and Matt Stone should think themselves lucky nobody on Altnation has their phone numbers...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Fuck you. All of you.

I've been banned from Alternativenation for seven days, because in a thread started by some prick copy and pasting Islamic propaganda spam I called him out, along with a few others - And when he got nasty to them... Telling them they should die for not believing in Allah, and having a go at the Danish... Someone asked what the Danish had done to him.
I responded with a copy of one of the Danish newspaper cartoons.

A short debate later, it was decided that I was out of order, therefore should be banned.
Fuck that, for a start.

Then, at ten to fucking midnight, I get 6 texts making Allah jokes...

I texted Marc back, and explained to him WHY I was so unamused by this.
6 day old babies do not appreciate being woken - And parents REALLY do not appreciate being woken along with them when it's already taken hours to get them to sleep, and none of us have had more than an hour or two in the past week!

So, you guys named above...

Fuck you.
Especially the coward who PHONED me to yell "Requiem" at me.


Thursday, April 06, 2006

It didn't.

Five minutes later, he was born.

Good job I didn't need to poop!


We arrived around 9pm, I think...
Kat had an examination, and was told that there was a HEEYOOWAGE sac of water ( Why is the word "Sack" fine, but the word "Sac" is inherently disturbing? :S )
between Lee's head and the preferred method of exit.
If that burst while his head was as far up as it was, the waters could have sooked the placenta out with them and caused a prolapse. VERY not good.

So Kat, instead of heading to the Midwife Led Unit, had to stay in the Labour Ward.

We hooked up our purloined portable DVD player, and started watching Shaun Of The Dead.

Menfolk - SAFETY TIP:
If your woman is in labour, do not under any circumstances go "Dubbudubbudubbududduddubah-dub..." immediately before she groans, with a repetition once she finishes.

She WILL notice what you just did, and elbow you HARD in the ribs, even if you ARE just at that bit in the movie and weren't taking the piss at all, honest, the timing of the moan was just sheer coincidence and anyway it would have been funny and helped to take her mind off it all.

We got half an hour in, before being moved to another room... This one with blood on the ceiling and a machine that went "BING!".

Here we stayed, while Kat had another internal examination or two.
By this time, it was really hurting her, and I was having to try to summon the courage to tell her to go easy on the gas and air.


Frivolity aside, it really REALLY sucks to see someone you love have to endure such horrific-looking pain, and know that there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Anyway, the midwife commented to her assistant, about half past midnight, that nothing was happening and that the only thing to do was keep her under observation for the next 4 hours.

4 hours.

Lee must have heard her- because less than five seconds later someone managed to throw a water bomb through the closed,
fifth-floor window of the room we were in.
It exploded all over the bed, under where Kat was perched on all fours.

Seriously. "Eew".
If I were to try to describe it using the magic of onomatopoeia, I would write "SPLGRGHOOSHHHHH!"

"I take it that that means your 'four hours' comment goes out the window then?"

"Out the window? I'd say so. Yeah."

"Same way that water bomb came in?"

"What are you talking about you big big freak?"

"Nothing. Don't mind me..."

I pointed out that my bladder was somewhat full, and I went for a pee so I wouldn't be caught short if the next stage were to end up lasting for hours...

So... The Newbie!

Currently, I'm applying Savlon to my eardrums, as Lee started screeching about an hour ago, and has barely stopped.
Kat's all out of Katjuice, so she's had to get her mum to take her to the bloody Asda at Hamilton ( Going by the amount of time she's been gone ) to get some emergency formula!

I've just managed to get Lee to nod off, with a little bit of carseatrockerry, and Tori Amos...
*Makes note*

Might as well post up the
Birth Story, then :)

Kat was due to go be induced on Tuesday ( April 4th ) as Lee was getting so big she was REALLY feeling pain a lot of the time. She was on crutches and had a support belt for SPD, but even they weren't doing much good.

T'was Sunday the 2nd, and I headed out to Section8 Allanton to build some fortifications.
We'd arranged to have a few folk over that night to watch Wrestlemania.

By the hospital's dates, Kat was due on the 7th.
By the dates Kat worked out herself, she was a week over.

Morgan was born exactly a week late.

So, I get a text around lunchtime telling me that Kat's plug has gone ( This does NOT mean that she accidentally ran her bath away while she was in it. The real meaning is considerably more gross... But if you can read this, you have access to Google. So Google it. NOT the image search, if you're eating. )
She told me not to panic, though, as it can be hours or even days after the plug goes before the waters break and full labour ensues.

I head home around 5pm, and Irv texts me to let me know he'll be up around 7.
He actually arrived a bit early, got a lift from his Mum ( Who misunderstood the plug thing when I mentioned it to her. Heehee :) )

Hung out for a half hour or so, with Kat bouncing on her gym ball.
She eventually told us that no, she was NOT gonna last til after Mania and we should get ready to hed to the hospital.
( Of course, everyone was still welcome to watch Mania at our place, but Irv chose to head off, and Semp and Snap watched it at their own places or neighbours' ).

Off to the Princess Royal it was, then...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

In the memetime...

Here's this, from Orev's blog:

Comment and...

1. I'll respond with something random I like about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll name something we should do together.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (or just me).
5. I'll tell you my first/clearest memory of you.
6. I'll leave you a quote that is somehow appropriate to you.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST.

01:02 03/04/06

... And I'm a Dad for the second time.

Will put up a full Blog entry about Lee's birth as soon as I've had time to collect my thoughts, and actually sit and write it!