So I just nipped upstairs to Morgan's room, as it occurred to me whilst making soup in Teh Pot Of Doom that there's a lot of fireworks going off and if I was three I'd love to be allowed back out of bed to sit on Dad's knee and watch 'em go Bang!
Snuck into her room - Dumbo still on, Morgan gently snorin'.
Opened the curtains and blind, then gave her a gentle prod.
Umm... OK.
Slightly less gentle prod.
"Do you wanna look at the pretty fireworks?"
Shakes head, resumes snorage.
Little bugger.
I bet she's up PRECISELY 15 minutes before I need to be awake tomorrow, too.
Aside from that, what's been goin' on?
I took my Colonial Marine gear to the Cathouse for the Saturday Hallowe'en party.
And my mate Gareth came down from Aberdeen, with his Alien costume ( 'Abe' :D ).
Kat pulled off a particularly sexy Poison Ivy.

( No pics of Kat yet, sadly :(:( )
And me and G won £250 between us!
Woo. Yay.
I suffered, though.
Not as much as G, but a fully functional airsoft Pulse Rifle is a heavy bugger of a thing to carry in one hand for 4 or 5 hours.
It was a great night - I had G on a chain for most of the evening - Comedy aside, I needed to stay behind him and keep an eye on his tail and backspines, and it's a good way of communicating until we get radios sorted.
Private hire Airsoft day for Centre One again on the Sunday, so we bailed a little early.
Then on Tuesday, G came down once more for the QM.
Not such a good night.
Some wanker punched Kat in the face trying to grab the aforementioned spines, and some other tit went to "cut the alien's throat" with his cutlass, and stabbed G in the eye.
Whilst in First Aid, we were informed that we'd not been entered in the costume contest because the judges thought we'd hired the costumes.
Bit suspicious about that since one of said judges posted on Altnation a day or so later that the admitted we were the best, and the reason we were never entered was that they'd heard we won the Catty and simply didn't want us to win twice.
Which is a bit shite IMHO.
I couldn't care less about a crappy DVD player, and indeed wouldn't have minded at all if we'd lost to the guy that did win - Toad from Mario Kart, complete with Kart.
It's the way we never even got a fair crack of the whip that annoyed me - Insult to injury... Literally.
G was a touch down about this, but chips cheered him up a little, and the thought of being filmed by the BBC as we can-rattle in costume at Debenham's next Saturday got him to agree to come back down again :)
Abe's made of sterner stuff than that!
Grrrrrr. Hsssssss.
Other news?
My Sis is back from her round the world trip, complete with bump.
Morgan keeps asking her to open her belly so she can play with the baby.
I have a wedding to attend on the 24th that I'm really looking forward to.
I acquired one of the actual banknotes used during the heist scene in the movie "Serenity".
And I start 25 hour weeks in Maplin Electronics at noon on Monday.
If I think of owt I've missed, I'll be sure to let y'all know.