Saturday, August 25, 2007

Goddam it, my cryotube malfunctioned.

So I tried to go to bed nice and early, given that I'm getting picked up back of 8 today for the Collectormania UKCM 'drop.

Ended up going to bed around my normal time of 1am, and couldn't sleep because of my sore leg so watched an episode of Red Dwarf then turned the lights out.
Still couldn't sleep.
Finally started to drift off about 3am.
Then my phone pinged.



Right. Shit. *Suspicion*
I reached for my lamp.

So that's not actually a car alarm I can hear, is it?
It's not going to go off soon, is it?
Because there is, in fact, a power cut, and it's set off soemone's house alarm.
Normally, I'd be happy as the light outside my window would be off. Dark = sleep.

Just after 4, it finally stopped.
I started to nod off again - And found myself in Kat's mum's car, screaming at her because I've just worked out that she's drunk at the wheel.

Woke myself up I was so angry, then got confused... She's not driven drunk since Morgan was born.
Very very odd :|
I guess my brain knew I was angry at her for messing us about this weekend, and somehow came up with the drink driving thing - Maybe from a newspaper article?

After that, it's simply been failure to sleep after failure to sleep.
The next time, I ALMOST nodded off justafter 6, then bloody Lee started whining. I'd already gone through around 5 to put his dummy in but by this time I was so tired and sore I couldn't even move.

And by "Bollocks, it's nearly 7" I've given up on sleep and the kettle's on.

Time for some more Red Dwarf I feel.
If you see me passed out at Collectormania, I am merely emulating Hicks in the dropship.
It's in character, right?

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More evidence that certain subsections of "the human race"...

... are not worthy of the name, and deserve nothing more than fucking death.

A friend of mine was shoved into by some piece of shit ned on the bus the other night.
He was wearing a camo jacket.
( The ned was overheard talking to its mate about it ).

My friend's female companion said something, unsure what.
Whatever it was, though, it did NOt warrant this piece of filth coming back up the bus, pulling a fucking SWORD from its sleeve, and twatting poor Clot in the head with it.

Utter fucking scum.
No excuses, no "But there's nothing to do in their area" bollocks, none of your fucking attempts to let this fucking cunt off the hook.
He carried a sword, and used it on someone who had done him no harm.

If that's the sort of shite that society thinks is worth keeping, then I don't want to be part of society.