Monday, January 29, 2007

Fucking scum.

If anyone feels the need to defend neds at this juncture, please fuck off now.

I tried to do the right thing, and accepted a booking in good faith for 8 guys from a "residential centre" for S8 Airsoft today.
Two staff members, and 8 residents.
7 residents showed, and only one staff member played. The other sat on her arse in the car.

They did well, to be honest.
Behaved OK, and there was less horseplay than I expected, but still more than I liked.
Shooting your mate in the arse or cock is shite, and taking a piss in the middle of a firefight is just fucking stupid. Specially if you ain't even got the brains to do it against a tree.
Luckily the three incidents were seperate.

Sadly, the "pleasantly surprised" factor wasn't to last.

Some piece of shit managed to find the cashbox, open it, and steal the takings for the day.

50 players.
8 of whom hired guns.
£16 per player and £15 per hire.
18 bottles of ammo sold at £6 each.

Do the maths, and join me in utter contempt for the fucking piece of shit that ripped me off.

We have no proof yet that it was one of those guys, but given that two of them got into a fight immediately upon their return to the centre... And it turned out afterwards that one among them all was suspiciously reluctant to return the friendly goodbye that a few of my players gave the group - Choosing instead to walk as fast as he could to the car...

I'm pretty confident.


Friday, January 12, 2007

Greenhills. Gotta love it.

It's not actually that bad an area, but by christ we've got some fucking filth living here.

The SaTURDay morning before last, I went to get the bus to work... Only to find a huge great definitely-seemed-human shite sitting mostly on the metal bench, with part of it broken off and plopped to the ground below.

Seems pretty clear to me that this is the work of either a complete fucking wanker who thinks it's funny to take a dump where folk normally sit, an incredibly acrobatic dog, or a complete fucking wanker who thinks it's funny to scoop up dogshit and place it where folk normally sit.

Either way, it was put there by an arsehole in more ways than one.

Or am I being overly judgemental again and it's actually OK for a supposedly civilised human being to defacate in a bus shelter on a very windy road?

Same area, earlier tonight - Some other piece of human detritus has amused themselves by knocking one of the security lights away from the steps leading to the underpass... And a week or two ago it finally stopped swinging by the cable and snapped completely.

I'd kinda noticed it, but not really put much thought into it, assuming that the council would have disconnected it pretty quickly.

Not the case.
Walked past it today without even thinking, when there's an almighty ZZZAP, a cloud of sparks blast me in the face, and the lights go out right down to the lane beyond the street.

High voltage cabling, exposed and blowing in the wind?

Good job I'd only metaphorically gone to the shop to buy gas!