It's been a bad weekend, all in.
Saturday was meant to be the first of 2 days airsofting - one at Drymen, one at Shotts.
Only 6 folk turned up to each day though, so we ended up just building stuff.
Got some good work done, but still - I'd have liked to have played!
The weather on Saturday was also schitzo as hell, so it went from lovely sun to pissing rain about 12 times.
The portacabin's now out of bounds too, due to the very VERY dead sheep in there.
Julie-next-door had a "Friend" staying this weekend. We met him during the week, and he seemed OK.
So on Saturday night, Kat and Julie decided to go to the pub for a bit.
I got home from Drymen, and once I cleared up the misunderstanding caused by Kat's Mum not answering her phone, so bringing Morgan back here instead of Mum picking her up directly ( I couldn't even give Morgan a cuddle, as she arrived while I was still filthy :(:( ) I went for a nice long bath.
Kat had said she'd be in around 8pm.
She then texted me, saying that she'd be a bit later, and asking what time I wanted to crash out as she'd be home by then.
I said I'd just sleep in Morgan's room so she could come home whenever.
Once that was cleared up, I got another text a bit later - Around 9:15pm. They'd decided to go to Crystal's nightclub in E.K., and I was to leave her duvet wherever I wanted her to crash.
I couldn't be bothered with it all, so I decided to watch Clone Wars then go to sleep - If she woke me up with drinky snoring, I could always decant myself into Small's room later.
I dozed off, and woke up around 6:30am.
No Kat in bed.
No Kat on sofa.
No Kat in Morgan's room.
I decided to leave it until a bit later before trying to phone.
Kat's mobile was off.
Julie's mobile was off.
No answer from Julie's landline.
Or when I banged her door.
... then again, LOUDLY.
She hadn't decided to go to the Catty after all, and we know nobody in EK they'd have gone back home with.
The cops had heard nothing, neither had Hairmyres Hospital.
I was, to be blunt, shitting bricks.
All sorts of things were going through my head - "What if? What if?"
I got a text from her at 1pm - I was literally about to report her missing to the police.
They'd met a mate of Julie's, and gone back to hers.
Apparently Kat HAD tried to text me, but it must not have gone through.
I was not pleased.
If I'd known about this, though, Julie's front door would have been off it's hinges:
Police are hunting a man who raped a 23-year-old woman in daylight...Detectives said she was subjected to a "serious indecent assault" when she walked along Lickprivick Road, in the Greenhills area of the town.
Firefight was quiet on Sunday, too.
And I found out today that a CQB airsoft event in Dundee - The guy with access to the place posted on the forums asking when everyone thought he should run it. I posted and emailed him asking that if he was running games, he make it a day other than a Sunday as the Fort run on our off-days, and even at that they're already running locap games to clash with us every 6 weeks. Any more events clashing would just be silly.
then The Fort step in to help him run the game - And sure enough, it's organised to clash with us.
Nice. So my regulars either can't go to it, or have to ditch my game for the event. Either way, I'm pissed off.
Few bits of good news, but in a great ironic twist, I can't really go into details on them.
We'll see how things pan out.
Marri came over last night - T'was good to see her, and I enjoyed hanging out. Morgan had a ball - And the pair of them inadvertently polished the living room floor, as Morgan was squealing with delight getting slid around on her back :)
Dave and Semp came over too, and I got to play with Dave's Nintendo DS. Fun. I want one!
News from Dave too, but I'll leave that for Semp to blog once the press embargo I assume is on there has lifted...
Spent most of today on the phone trying to get info on possible CQB sites, and talked to Lee Fields too - Sounds like Sennybridge is VERY doable this year.
Woo! Gonna haveta rope some mates into coming.
Marri - Can Zaz come, please? ;)