Today's Telemarketing Thing.
My phone just rang... And yet again, it was the old "Hi! You have just won a prize! Press 7 to connect!" crap.
I've signed up for the Telephone Preference Service, but because these companies are based in the states, it's ineffective. I've had loads of calls from these same folk, with a different "company name" each time. I got the address out of them a few calls back, though

So... Today's call. Enjoy
Telemarketer : Hi there. You're through to the Disneyland prize line. May I take your prize number?
Me ( Normal accent... but talking a bit "stupid" ) : I'm sorry, I don't... Don't know my prize number. How... How do I find it?
I can get you one. Just hold on a second.
I can give you my ay-ddress if you like?
[ I switched to an American accent during this sentence, having come up with an idea ]
Well alright, but I need your telephone number.
OK, well I'll give you my address first. It's 4525...
45... 25. OK.
4525 Vineland Road.
4525 Vineland Road?
That's right. 4525 Vineland Road, Or-lando Florida.
Orlando Florida? Where you at?
I just said. 4525 Vineland road, Orlando Florida. That's mah address.
No. Where? Florida?
Yup. Sunny Florida.
You can't be. Where you at?
I'm over by the cooler! Wave hi!
Naaaw... Where you at?
Me? Why ah'm over here by the cooler! Stand up! Cain't ya see me?
[ At this point, the line became crackly. I think he'd gone cordless or patched someone else in. ]
Yeah. Over here! HELLOOO! Wave, dude!
Where are you at, boy? What company you with?
Whut company? Why, that'd be Sunshine Travel Ee-scape, 4525 Vineland Road, Suite 207 Orlando Florida
What? Sunshine... Where are you at? How much money you make today?
Me? More than you, what with this long call and all...
What you mean? More than me?
Yup. By the way, go ask your manager what the Telephone Preference Service is, and ask why you shouldn't be callin' people that have already told your company not to call them.
My manager's listenin' in!
Good! Hey man, you're making illegal phonecalls! Take this number off your list.
Oh, we got a special prize for you!
What's that? An ass-whuppin'? Try it. I'm on the other side of the world. Enjoy your high average call time for today!
And with that, I hung up and went to make a sandwich.
I hereby issue a challenge to my fellow UK peepz.
If these swines call any of you reading this... Press 7... Or press 9. They canNOT charge you any money as THEY rang YOU.
So get put through to an operator... And come back here with the funniest pisstake you can. See how long you can string them along for, and mess with their call time.
Record the call if you can!
*Eats sandwich*